I apoologize for the the extended delay of anything happening on this page. There's really no excuse. Life gets in the way sometimes but I should have done something. But I'm re-invigorated so lets begin again.
1st, let's me tell you about my trip to Colorado Springs to attend Superstars Writing Seminars. For thos of you who've never heard of it, its a five day event covering almost every aspect of being an author. From crafting your stoy idea, to planning your book, (something I don't do since I'm a pantser, or fly by the seat of your pants,) advertising, editing, etcetera. If it's a skill you might need as a writeer, you can find a session that covers it. Some of the best authors and editors in the business are there to share their knowledge. Kevin J. Anderson, Jonathon Mayberry, Chuck Gannon to name just a few. And it's not only the discussions, it's the side conversations you have with people in the hallways, restaurants, and bars. I learned a lot and made a lot of new friends.
Here's the great Ray Porter and I at the karoake event. He's the best book narrator in the business.
Check back tomorrow and I'll talk about what's happening in the Empire of Britannia.
Till Then