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Renegade is Live

Just a quick note this week. I hate reading the drivel some people write just so they can post a blog. So, if I don't have anything to say, there won't be a blog. This week is different. Prince Renegade hit the street last Friday and is doing well. I already have an orange 'New Release Best Seller' tag in the Action Adventure category, and I'm already #3 overall in the category. Sales are strong, and with luck, I'll make it all the way to #1. It's a whole new story arc for the series with lots of space action. There are also some tears, but I won't say who dies. You'll need to read the book.

Today, I turned in Book 6, Prince Liberator, to my publisher, Chris Kennedy today. I know I'm new to being a writer, and till now, my 2nd book, Prince Commander, was my favorite book. Liberator has supplanted it. It's my best work, with lots of battles and, yes, more tears. I expect it to be out in May or June.

That's it for this week. Keep checking back for updates.

Fred & Hazard

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Mike Alsobrook
Mike Alsobrook
Mar 26, 2023

I just finished Renegade. Another hard to put down tale. Please keep the books coming as I'm enjoying this series immensely. - Mike A.

Mar 26, 2023
Replying to

Thanks Mike. Like I said, i just turned in book 6. I made the decision today there will be 3 more books in the main series and a novelette covering Hazard's wedding and honeymoon. But the universe won't end there. I'm planning a prequel about the Exodus. I'm not sure how many books that will be, but at least 2.


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